Full Dyakon Levski in HD Quality.
Now you can watch full Dyakon Levski in HD quality with duration 210 Min and has been launched in 2015-02-16 and MPAA rating is 1.- Original Title : Дякон Левски
- Movie title in your country : Dyakon Levski
- Year of movie : 2015
- Genres of movie : Action, Drama, History,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2015-02-16
- Companies of movie : Cinebum, Art Eternal Cinema,
- Countries of movie : Bulgaria,
- Language of movie : български език,
- Durationof movie : 210 Min
- Average vote of movie : 4.5
- Youtube ID of movie :
- Translation of movie : BG,EN,
- Actors of movie :Tsvetomir Nechev (Karshovski), Maksim Genchev (Moharram Bey), Svetlana Genova (Gina), Ivaylo Asparuhov (Ali Aslan), Ivan Neshev (Petko), Tsvetomir Angelov - Tsuki (Panayot Hitov), Petyo Cekov (Arhimandrit Vasilyi), Goran Genchev (Dimitar Obshti), Nikolay Todorov (Georgi Rakovski), Veselin Plachkov (Vasil Levski), Stoyan Tsvetkov (Hristo Golemiya)
Movie synopsis of Dyakon Levski :
Best Dyakon Levski in Best Look with movie summary "The movie is about the great historical figure Vasil Levski. It follows three different plot lines: the relationship with his mother, Gina, the relationship with his loved one, Ana, and the plans for freeing Bulgaria from the Ottoman Empire. The movie starts in 1846 and follows Vasil Levski's whole life until his hanging in 1873." in top video format. Watch full Dyakon Levski in Top Quality by clicking the download link.
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... Play Full Dyakon Levski in High Quality Video 1080p ...
Producer : Maksim Genchev, Writer : Maksim Genchev, Director : Maksim Genchev, Producer : Zlatina Filipova, Sound Designer : Dimitar Rusev, Casting : Zlateto Keremedchieva
Yes, now you can view movie involving Dyakon Levski 100 % length and acquire the connect to this flick Dyakon Levski in high quality.
Tags: bravery, historical figure, bulgaria, heroism, levski, vasil levski, dyakon levski,
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